
Classical Piano

Students taking up this course will learn the foundational components of sight-reading, scales, playing dynamics/articulation and many more! The masterpieces of the great classical repertoire are amazing. Discover the history and remarkable works from legendary composers such as Mozart, Debussy, Beethoven, Bach, etc. The compositions have stood the test of time and remains relevant through centuries after being created because of their artistic value.
The syllabus lists have been carefully compiled, with great attention being paid to setting interesting and musical pieces, especially at the junior levels. In most instruments, a Free Choice option allows students to perform a classical work not listed in the syllabus, including original compositions. Students learning the piano will also be guided through the use of good techniques and expressive skills. Doing so will help the pianist develop tension-free and healthy playing styles as it protects one from injuries and gives you full expressive freedom.
Students on this course have an option to take the ANZCA Classical Pianoforte examinations. The exam components consists of: –
  • Technical Work
  • 3 Pieces (Prep – Grade 3) or 
  • 4 Pieces (Grades 4-8)
  • Sight Reading (all grades)
  • Aural
  • General Knowledge 
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